I figured a close stereotype for men, would be that they should all be farmers. The thing is, there are under two million farmers in the US as of 2023. So statistically, an equivalent occupation/role should have a larger number.

  • SurpriZe
    -14 months ago
    4 months ago

    I’m 33 and never seen this IRL. Weird. Only heard people mention it online. Must be that thing that doesn’t actually happen and is only perceived on the web.

    • otp
      24 months ago

      It’s likely a cultural thing. I’ve noticed it in urban Canada, myself.

      A man smiling at a child who looks at him will get glares or weird looks from the parent. A woman smiling at a child who looks at her will be nothing out of the ordinary. The same man is “allowed” to smile at children if he’s with a woman and/or a kid of his own.

    • exanime
      24 months ago

      Must be that thing that doesn’t actually happen and is only perceived on the web.

      By all means, take your own experience into account but don’t fall for this fallacy

      By you own logic, murder must be a myth because it hasn’t happened to you

    • waz
      14 months ago

      Before I had a kid, I heard this was a thing, but didn’t really care as I didn’t really have a desire to be around kids. Once I became a father, I realized a lot of people make strange assumptions about men around small humans. Its certainly not most people, but definitely some, and definitely not just online.