• qevlarr
    723 months ago

    All that hand wringing over what kind of protest should be ok, you guys are exhausting. The kind of protest doesn’t make a difference at all. A lot of people will say it’s unacceptable no matter what. I’ll even admit sometimes a protest misses the mark, but I’m still glad they did it.

    The kids are alright

    • Snowclone
      93 months ago
      3 months ago

      My only opinion is that if the protest dosen’t hurt the owner class, then it’s not going to do anything anyway.

      • qevlarr
        53 months ago

        Any protest is better than complaining or arguing on the internet. I’ll let the tactics to the actual people doing their actions. Nothing but encouragement from me 👍

      • gerbler
        43 months ago
        3 months ago

        The protest isn’t intended to hurt the owner class. The protest is intended to draw attention to the issue. We’re talking about it therefore it’s an effective form of protest.

        Without protests like this we go about our lives worrying about bills and ignore the literal apocalyptic catastrophe we’re nose-diving into.

    • afraid_of_zombies
      -123 months ago

      How would your reaction have been if it wasn’t a cultural artifact creating by Europeans? Say they did it at Native American site or Aboriginal?

      • funkless_eck
        83 months ago

        it wasn’t, though.

        Perhaps if you could name the site, the protestes, the cause and the method we could go “Yeah that would be much/slightly better/worse” but I don’t think we’d get much more out of it than that.

      • starman2112
        43 months ago
        3 months ago

        If it’s as non-destructive as the rest of their protests, then I’d have nothing against it

      • qevlarr
        43 months ago

        Don’t waste energy categorizing right or wrong ways to protest. All this is a distraction from the actual issues.

        • luciferofastora
          33 months ago

          Agreed. The more we argue about the “how” of the protests, the more we’re distracted from what they’re actually protesting about. The most effective way of stopping people complaining about something isn’t to shut them up, but to fix the thing.

          If someone’s poor and can’t afford to buy food, no amount of fines or jail time will prevent them from going back to stealing food the second they get out because - guess what - they’re still fucking poor. There’s a food bank near where I lived a while ago that notoriously had long lines. Slowly shuffling forward in a queue that screams “I’m poor” must be uncomfortable, but they’re still not stealing food while they have an alternative.

          If you want people to stop vandalising shit in their outrage over exploitation and greed, fucking do something about the exploitation and greed. I’m sure those people could have thought of more pleasant ways to spend their time than creating their cornflour pigment, driving out there and getting arrested to make a point without leaving lasting damage.

          • qevlarr
            13 months ago
            3 months ago

            I wasn’t really, only in a rhetorical sense. You’re kinda being a dick about it, tho. Are you on a mission to be the most downvoted commenter or something? Don’t let me get in your way.

            • moon
              23 months ago

              Pretty sure this guy just runs around Lemmy trying to stir things up. I had a run-in with him recently that was needless contentious and I’m not surprised to see him doing the same thing here

      • Sidyctism2
        13 months ago

        As a european, i dont give a shit. As a german, they could have blown up the brandenburg gate for all i care

    • cows_are_underrated
      -253 months ago

      It depends. I think that protest goes to far, if it really damages a building. Since this didn’t its all right.

      • khaleer
        233 months ago

        Oh, poor building, poor monuments, poor rocks. If only we have any way to declare our oposition againt bilionaires literally destroying the whole ecosystems, destroying people lives and health. But for fucking sake, the poor, orange painted monument. those damn protesters crossed uncrossable line. I will not support them anymore!

      • jorp
        123 months ago

        I sure hope no buildings are damaged as society collapses from climate change strain

      • starman2112
        73 months ago

        Any protest that doesn’t physically damage buildings owned by the fossil fuel industry aren’t going far enough

        This comment is advocating for property damage

      • flying_sheep
        13 months ago

        Just Stop Oil said the paint was made of cornstarch and would dissolve in the rain.

        Merriman said experts cleaned the orange powder from the stones because they were concerned about how it might react to water.


        So because it could in the future maybe possibly damage it in some unspecified amount, they cleaned it off to be super sure there will be no damage.

        So what fucking damage that really happened in the real world are you talking about?

        • cows_are_underrated
          13 months ago

          I never talked about damage at Stonehege. I said, that damaging buildings how’s to far. They didn’t damage Stonehenge so its fine.

          • flying_sheep
            23 months ago

            Gotcha. Given how the post we’re replying to is about Stonehenge, I guess I assumed that’s what you’re talking about